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Humidifier Filter

Humidifier mistHumidifiers add moisture to the air in your home, helping to relieve cracked skin, itchy eyes, static electricity, sore throats and other issues that crop up with dry air.

The optimal levels of humidity should be between 30-50%. Without a humidifier, humidity can drop to 10% in winter since cold air holds less moisture.

Evaporative humidifiers require a filter that tends to need replacing at least once per year, sometimes twice depending on the climate and home conditions.

You may want to invest in a thermometer that also has a humidity sensor. You need to change water regularly and clean your humidifier to prevent bacteria or mold build up.

Another popular product is an aromatherapy diffuser which combats dry air in a single room. 

Filters Outpost carries a wide range of humidifier filters.  If you don't see the one you need, contact us and we will send you the link to order.

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